Litter Management
Broiler litter management
The U.S. is among the world’s largest poultry-producing countries. Two major products include meat from broiler and turkey production and table eggs from commercial layer operations. The combined value of these two products exceeded 35 billion dollars in 2020 (USDA-NASS, 2020). Poultry production... Continue reading...
Best management practices for windrowing broiler litter (W 1107)
Manage litter quality for better paw quality (D 173)
Litter management key to broiler performance (D 163)
Manure Management on Commercial Layer Operations: Environmental Concerns (P3724)
Control of ammonia volatilization in poultry houses is a major concern for the poultry industry (Timmons and Harter-Dennis, 2011). Ammonia (NH3) is the major pollutant gas associated with poultry production operations. Bird feces contain uric acid that can be rapidly converted to NH3 in the... Continue reading...
Manure Management on Commercial Layer Operations: Lagoon Systems (P3723)
Lagoons are often used in manure-handling systems that remove livestock waste from barns in liquid form. The design of lagoons is unique: they are the only manure storage systems with a treatment volume intended to reduce solids incorporated into their design and management (VanDevender, 2011).... Continue reading...
Manure Management on Commercial Layer Operations: Manure Production and Challenges (P3719)
Poultry production activities have significant effects on virtually all aspects of the environment, including air, water, land/soil, biodiversity, and climate change. The impact may be direct, putting stress on the bird’s ability to maintain homeostasis, or indirect, such as climatic changes that... Continue reading...
Manejo de cama en pollos de engorde (P2738-S)
Read this in English Mantener la cama seca es una parte fundamental del manejo en cada granja avícola. Las condiciones de la cama influyen en el rendimiento de las aves, lo que a su vez afecta las ganancias de los productores e integradores. Mantener la cama seca ayuda a controlar los niveles de... Continue reading...
Litter problems persist
Back in 1923, A. B. Dann wrote in Poultry Science that “wet litter in the poultry house is a rather troublesome problem for most poultrymen.”1 I hate to say it, but we have not come very far since 1923. Here we are, almost a century later, and wet litter is still a troublesome problem I often... Continue reading...
Good Litter Management Improves Broiler Performance, Health, and Welfare (P3657)
How litter is managed before, during, and after each flock is a key factor for improved broiler performance, health, and welfare. Successful growers understand that good litter management during and between flocks is critical, particularly in today’s “No Antibiotics Ever” (NAE) environment. Litter... Continue reading...